Lloyd-Barrett Artist

Lloyd Barrett

About Me

I live in North Wales with my amazing partner of more than 35 years Kim and our daughter Faye; our son Michael has flown the nest. I never considered myself as an artist (still don’t). Like most people I would doodle (usually when talking on the phone) but never in my wildest dreams did I foresee what I am doing now, and enjoying it so much.  

If truth be told I fell into this by accident.  I began to doodle using a needle on a piece of perspex that had been on my office desk forever. At the same time there happened to be an image of Bob Marley on my desk. I started to copy his image onto the perspex and by the end of the phone call noticed it was not a bad representation of the mighty Bob and, as they say, the rest is history!

As a late 50 something year old family man and owner of two businesses (co-founder/Director of Expert Answers Ltd an online legal advice platform and owner of UKcompositedecking.co.uk), there really hasn’t been much time to do much else in life. Lockdown came and gave me a little more time to practice, experiment and improve my technique. I moved from perspex to glass as this gave me more flexibility to attempt more complex subjects. The move to glass threw up a whole new range of challenges.

For a while I kept my work to myself and my family. I shared an image with a friend in America, who did not believe I did it and asked for more proof! After uploading a few pieces to Facebook more interest was shown and before I knew it I was getting requests to sell them or messages asking me to do images of people’s parents, children or pets.

For a while I resisted as this was something that I enjoyed as a hobby and it eased the boredom of lockdown days. However, the requests continued with more people asking if would sell them and so here I find myself creating my website with a view to sharing and eventually selling my creations.

My favourite subjects are animals. I love trying to capture their personalities and I find a focus on their eyes is a great way to do that.

I hope you enjoy browsing!

some of my work

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